As I have discussed in my prior blog posts about the Standard of Care in certain Medical Malpractice Cases, the following are some of the questions to be asked to determine if the Standard of Care was followed in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer in Georgia, and why each question is important:
1.) Were the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer Elicited?
Why is this important? As discussed earlier, Ovarian Cancer usually presents with non-specific symptoms that can be symptomatic of other diseases, such symptoms including, but not limited to, excessive fatigue, abdominal bloating, bladder or bowel issues, bleeding, and pain during intercourse. Therefore, the disease is not usually detected until it reaches the advanced stages when the cancer has spread to other places in the body outside the ovaries, and, in these cases, the survival rate reduces dramatically.
2.) Was a Detailed Medical and Family History Obtained and Documented?
Why is this important? A detailed medical history and family history must be obtained to alert the clinician of any risk factors associated with the development of cancer such as ovarian cancer the patient having had the disease in the past, was ovarian cancer present in the family prior to the age of 40, and is there a family or personal history of cancer of other types in the patient and/or the family such as breast and prostate cancer. A number of reproductive, environmental and genetic risk factors have also been identified as being precursors to ovarian cancer such as age and not bearing a child, and a detailed medical and family history could alert the physician if the patient presented with risk factors for ovarian cancer.
3.) Was a thorough physical examination performed?
Why is this important? A thorough physical examination, and other tests as further set forth herein below, must be performed to assess for any mass or suspicious finding of the abdomen as the symptoms of ovarian cancer are diffuse and non specific such as bloating, abdominal pressure, irregular or changing bowel or urination issues, fatigue, bleeding, and pain during intercourse, that can mimic other diseases and be mistaken for other diseases besides Ovarian Cancer.
4.) Was the Patient Discharged from Care with a Differential Diagnosis?
Why is this important? Ovarian carcinoma may often be misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome, stress, gastritis, or depression months prior to the date that the actual diagnosis of ovarian cancer is made, and since early detection is the best way to fight ovarian cancer and raise the survival rate of women with the disease, it is imperative that a proper diagnosis take place as early as possible.
5.) Were Diagnostic Laboratory Investigations Performed?
Why is this important? Since the signs of the disease can mimic many other diseases and, as stated herein above, can be non-specific, diagnostic laboratory studies are essential in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
The questions and why they are important will be continued to be discussed in my blog post titled, The Standard of Care in Georgia for Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer ~ part 3.
If you or a loved one has been misdiagnosed or mistreated for Ovarian Cancer, then Contact Us today for your free consultation. We are experts in these types of medical malpractice cases and we are here to assist you, and to continue the Fight to End Ovarian Cancer.