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Plaintiff recovers $ 3.9 million under theories of both Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury; Don’t be left in the dark when injured on the job

There is an excellent case in the Fulton County Daily Report today that illustrates why in Canton, GA, Atlanta, GA and the Entire State of Georgia the importance that certain cases should be treated as both workers’ compensation case and as Personal Injury cases and why, in a workers compensation case when there is…

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Cobb County Man is Hit and Killed by Drunk Driver when the man’s vehicle stalled on the side of the Road

Recently, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that an Acworth, GA man was killed near Cobb Parkway after his pickup stalled and he was out putting cones on the side of the road when he was struck and killed by a drunk driver. This is a very unfortunate situation that could have been avoided on…

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Boating Accidents Can Cause Death, And Responsible Parties Can Be Held Criminally Liable In Georgia

Recently, a jury found the man who caused the death of famous singer Usher’s young son in a boating accident guilty as reported by the Atlanta Journal Constitution on February 21, 2014. The accident was a senseless tragedy that could have been avoided with proper safety being exercised.

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Girl, Age 9, Kicked by Wandering Mule still Faces a Long Road to Recovery

As a follow up to the blog that I posted February 13, 2014 titled Owners’ Responsibility to keep their Animals on their own Premises to avoid Injuries and Deaths in Georgia , a young girl of age 9, Emma Carolina Johnson, was kicked in the head in Cherokee County Georgia by a mule who…

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Owners’ Responsibility to keep their Animals on their own Premises to avoid Injuries and Deaths in Georgia

On December 29, 2013 a new bride from Ballground, Georgia, just North of Canton, GA, Kali Dobson Quinton, was a passenger in a car driven by her husband, Ryan Quinton, after their wedding that day when Ryan swerved to avoid a dog in the roadway whereby the car overturned ejecting Ms. Quinton, age 25,…

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Call for Action to Attorneys in Georgia: Guardian Ad Litems and Child Welfare Attorneys Needed

Almost every day in Canton, Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, and the Entire State of Georgia we hear of a child abuse case, child neglect case, or a child’s death. At the same time, we hear about a sluggish economy and that even highly skilled professionals with advanced education and degrees such as Attorneys can’t get…

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Premises Liability at the GA Dome: The Premises Liability Law also applies in Canton, GA

A woman broke her ankle at the Georgia Dome when she was directed by a security guard to a shorter line and then fell over a barricade. She recovered over $ 200,000.00 in damages, and was held partially responsible in the incident since she had been drinking. The law that governs these types of…

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What to do if you are in an Auto Accident in Georgia ~ part three

If you are in an Auto Accident in Canton, Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia or anywhere in the Entire State of Georgia, then it is very important that you know the proper steps and procedures to follow. Auto Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone so it is beneficial to be prepared if you are…

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What to do if you are in an Auto Accident in Georgia ~ part two

If you are in an Auto Accident in Canton, Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia or anywhere in the Entire State of Georgia, then it is very important that you know the proper steps and procedures to follow. Auto Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone so it is beneficial to be prepared if you are…

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What to do if you are in an Auto Accident in Georgia ~ part one

If you are in an Auto Accident in Canton, Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia or anywhere in the Entire State of Georgia, then it is very important that you know the proper steps and procedures to follow. Auto Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone so it is beneficial to be prepared if you are…

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