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A Trucking Accident in Georgia that Results in the Permanent Scarring of a Young Model’s Face brings a $ 7.5 Million Dollar Settlement for the Victim even though she was charged with DUI and Following Too Closely ~ part two

anger-1093119-m.jpgThis is a continuation of my discussion of this case in my last blog post titled, .”A Trucking Accident in Georgia that Results in the Permanent Scarring of a Young Model’s Face brings a $ 7.5 Million Dollar Settlement for the Victim even though she was charged with DUI and Following Too Closely ~ part one.”

Ms. Love’s charges of both Following Too Closely and DUI were dropped in the case eventually since interviews with witnesses were consistent that Ms. Love was not impaired at breakfast and the police officers further collaborated this account stating that there was not any smell or sign of alcohol on Ms. Love at the scene of the accident. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the blood test taken at the hospital, which are normally taken if there has been an accident in Georgia, are not as accurate as the alcohol testing that is done by the police which were not performed in this case.

Ms. Love’s team of attorneys made an offer of settlement for $ 7.99 Million and gave Defense counsel until January to make a decision on the offer on the table. $ 7.5 Million, just less than the original offer, would ultimately settle the case but would never bring back Ms. Love’s modeling career that included appearances in fashion shows, shows at retail stores, and hair shows in which she engaged in over a decade. Now she would have a Facebook page that would show a recent photo of the scars from the tragic accident.

This case illustrates some very important legal issues such as liability and that although it may seem on the surface of a case that liability is clear in favor of one party and against another party as it was here at first in favor of the driver of the truck and against Ms. Love. To make matters worse, Ms. Love was charged with violations in the accident and one of those violations included a DUI that can be so serious when attempting to recover anything in a motor vehicle accident. It is, therefore, imperative in many cases that the services of an accident reconstructionist as in this case be enlisted to get to the bottom of what really happened in the accident.

The next take away from this case is that anytime that you have scarring on a person, whether or not that person is an aspiring model, that the case has added value. Many scars are permanent and even with reconstructive surgery a person will never look the same after they have a scar. Therefore, it is important to take any scarring in an injury case very seriously when valuing that case.

At Julie A. Rice, Attorney at Law, & Affiliates we are experts at representing people in Tractor-Trailer Accidents and also in cases that involve Scarring on any part of the body no matter, as in this case, who it may seem initially is to blame for the accident. If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident whether or not it involved scarring as in this case, then please kindly Contact Us as soon as possible after the accident for your free legal consultation so that we may begin investigating your accident and preparing your case as a case that will result in a winning result.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and working with you in your case!