This is a continuation of the blog Standard of Care for the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer in Georgia part one. We are experts in these type of cases so if you think that you or a loved one has been misdiagnosed or mistreated for ovarian cancer then Contact Us at 770-865-8654 for your free consultation.
As has been previously stated, ovarian cancer can be difficult, but not impossible, to detect so with the proper medical care, evaluation and treatment, this type of cancer can be caught early. Since many times ovarian cancer is not detected until the late stages, it is imperative that you know the questions that are important to ask if you or a loved one has symptoms or a family history of ovarian cancer. This is meant to be a helpful guide for some questions that attorney ask when presented with a medical malpractice case of misdiagnosed or mistreated ovarian cancer.
This is not, however, an all inclusive guide and it is very important that you further educate yourself about this most deadly disease so that you are armed with as much information as possible whether you are symptomatic at this time, have a loved one who is sick or symptomatic, or have a family history, just to name a few of reasons why it is important to education yourself about this disease, just so you can take the proper preventative steps in your own health and make sure that any cancer, just like ovarian cancer, is caught early since early detection of any cancer is key to the best treatment and hope for survival.
The following is a continuation of questions that are asked in Georgia to determine if the standard of care has been followed in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer:
Q: Were diagnostic laboratory investigations performed?
A: This is important since diagnostic laboratory studies are essential in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. This may include, but not be limited to, an ultrasound, MRI, CAT Scan, blood tests, and the like. If the necessary diagnostic laboratory tests were not performed and the patient was discharged without an accurate diagnosis, then this could be argued as a deviation from the standard of care.
Q: Were the symptoms of ovarian cancer elicited?
A: This question is important since ovarian cancer usually presents with non-specific symptoms meaning that the symptoms usually don’t arise until the cancer has reach an advanced stage. This is why it is important to have an ultrasound or other form of detection method regularly especially if there is a family history of ovarian cancer. You may even be a candidate for a blood test to determine if you have a particular gene that would make you more susceptible to ovarian cancer and if you do possess this gene, then you may want to discuss your options for prevention. As we know, ovarian cancer due its illusive nature is the silent killer.
Q: Was a detailed medical and family history obtained and documented?
A: This is important since a detailed medical history and family history must be obtained to alert the clinician of any risk factors associated with development of cancer as discussed herein above, and, furthermore, many reproductive, environmental and genetic risk factors have been identified as being precursors to ovarian cancer.
If you or a loved one has been misdiagnosed or mistreated for ovarian cancer, then Contact Us either by phone at 770-865-8654, or (813) 363-6664, by email at, or through the contact form on this blog or on our website. We are experts in these types of cases and we are here to help you!